Law of One Price
I discovered a market mispricing of a company named Tianjin Zhongxin while scouring through the internet and blogger posts. One seemingly promising pharmaceutical company dual listed in China and Singapore, apparently has arbitrage opportunity between 2 markets. I am not sophisticated enough to buy a share in Singapore, do a cross border to Hong Kong and trade it via Hong Kong stock connect to earn arbitrage profit from TJZX Shares. (Not sure if is it even allowed) Nor am I brave enough to do a proper arbitrage position by longing in Singapore and SHORTING in China Stock connect. (I believe china does not allow shorting of most shares). Shorting is a no go for me as you incur limited profits and potential unlimited liability!!! I will not be able to execute a convergence trade strategy explained by Benjamin Graham, but there is definitely upside potential for longing TJZX SG. I am going to do some research regard...