Keynes 1) Keynes’s view was that he would rather be a “speculator” in an asset that had a daily price quotation and was liquid enough to be bought and sold than an “investor” in something whose price was largely unknown. 2) investing in stocks he believed would prosper in the longer term and then sticking doggedly with his selections despite shorter-term problems. 3) A careful selection of a few investments (or a few types of investment) having regard to their cheapness in relation to their probable actual and potential intrinsic value over a period of years ahead and in relation to alternative investments at the time; 4) A steadfast holding of these in fairly large units through thick and thin, perhaps for several years, until either they have fulfilled their promise or it is evident that they were purchased on a mistake; 5) A balanced investment position, i.e., a variety of risks in spite of individual holding...