Raffles medical AGM 2018

Highlights I have gleaned from Raffles Medical AGM 1) Revenue stream 56%Hospital 40% healthcare 4% investment holdings, There is a sharp increase in investment holdings revenue due to Raffles Holland V rental business / contribution (Similar to REIT business) . Raffles Medical is focused on acquiring space for land intensive hospital business and is converting space to acquire rental. Prevailing trends and strategy 2) In 2017, due to the economic downturn, there is significant price cutting / negotiation in corporate services. Companies are lowering their quotes for insurance and clinic contracts. As Raffles medical is focused on bottom line profitability and not top line sales revenue, they are turning down contracts that have low profit margin to reduce unnecessary expenditures. 3) There is strong price competition from Malaysia and Thailand. This is worsened by high medical charges in Singapore. This led to industry wide decrease in fore...