Portfolio review 2018
Portfolio review 2018 Portfolio performance analysis Overall shape of my portfolio performance chart mirrors the STI ETF. This is due to my incorporation of it into my portfolio via monthly Dollar cost averaging. *Amended * Overall, my IRR curve is below the STI ETF. On an absolute return basis (Holding period Yield including dividends) , my returns are negative (-6.96%) this year . I under performed the STI ETF last year (18.1% at recovery stage ) and outperformed in this bear market (-10.3% at recessionary stage ). Although a part of me is engaging in mental gymnastics to rationalize that the market have not priced in my undervalued securities and I should have performed better, my other half is fearing that I am engaging in hubris and falling into choice supportive bias . From a quantitative standpoint, if I under-perform the market in the concurring years , I need to acknowledge that serious money can only be put in...