Thoughts about investing (time and money) in the dating market
Thoughts about investing in the dating market As the market has recovered into pre-depression levels, I will be biding my time for my war-chest to recover while looking for undervalued opportunities. Due to the influx of marriage and child birthing propaganda from fellow peers on my Facebook feed, Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) sets in. As I re-balance my priorities from the financial markets to the dating market, here is a recount of the research I have done based on scuttlebutt analysis of the dating market. One unique trait about competent investors is that due to the emphasis of staying objective and be non emotional, competency in investments prowess and dating prowess could be mutually exclusive. Tree of prosperity (Chris Ng) notably has an unique take on relationship advice especially on Tinder and the government supported SDU. Due to professional and personal interest in this area, I will be venturing on fundamental analysis of the dating market, and prospect on whether there ...