https://www.cheerfulegg.com/2017/06/20/nobodys-naturally-good-at-pitching/ No One Is Naturally Good At Pitching June 20, 2017 by Lionel Yeo Lots of people downplay the amount of preparation it takes to achieve something impressive. I was first introduced to this idea by Ramit Sethi in this blog post : That behind every every impressive feat lies a HUGE amount of preparation. You only see the results, but you almost never hear about the hours and hours of grunt work: Situation: Your friend lost 10kg in 3 months and looks amazing He says: “Oh I just watched my diet and exercised more” Reality: He ate chicken breast and steamed broccoli every day, hired a personal trainer, and worked out 5X a week === Situation: Your colleague gave a game-changing idea during a meeting that impressed your boss She says: “ It was just something that popped into my head!” Reality: She spent 2 hours of pre-reading through the background material, and the last 3 da...