
Thoughts about investing in China Market - ETF selection

Key considerations in China ETF Selection To continue off my previous post, I was researching on key considerations for ETF selection as I am interested in getting exposure to China market. I am working with the assumption that China market is difficult to navigate. Investing in China involves political risk (CCP social credit rating and key personnel risk) , potential shortcomings in financial disclosure (China Hustle), potential issue with investor protection rights (S-Chips repatriation issue) and growing pains (economic slowdown). Even though I am optimistic about the government's plan to clean up crime and misconduct in the long run, I am uncertain whether foreign investor rights will be sufficiently protected.   As such, as a know nothing investor, I will prefer a sufficiently diversified approach to manage these risks.  I am not familiar with the top performing active managed funds in China, and believe that the best approach is to simply buy and hold an...